Create a Citrix MCS Catalog from AWS EC2 Machine

In this blog, we will discuss about the steps involved in creating a Citrix MCS catalog from an AWS EC2 machine.
The main difference in creating an AWS MCS catalog is that we need to create an AMI and point the AMI as the master image during the creation process. In the other technologies, we are pointing either directly to the VM(whereas Citrix will create a snapshot) or to the snapshot of the master image.

To begin the process, create an EC2 VM and deploy the VDA agent to support as a master image. I am skipping that section as it is generic steps to be followed for any master image creation process. Once the VDA agent is deployed, stop the EC2 VM and create an AMI.
To create an AMI, right click on the master image–>Actions–>Image and templates–>Create image

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In the create image wizard, provide the name, description, tags and click on “create image”.

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Once the AMI is created and showing in the available state, navigate to Citrix and initiate the machine catalog wizard.
In the wizard, under machine management, select the radio button next to “machines that are power managed”. In the deploy machines using option, select Citrix machine creation services and select the resources from the drop down menu.

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Select the desktop experience as per your requirement and click next.

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In the machine template tab, select the AMI from the list and click Done.

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Select the AWS master image EC2 VM as the machine profile for inheriting the tags. Select the functional level of VDA and click Next.

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In the virtual machines tab, select the number of machines to be created and the VM size.

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In the security tab, provide the security groups created in the AWS. You can select a maximum of 5 security groups for one catalog.

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If the customer is using dedicated host/instances for complying to Microsoft license terms, then this is the place where they can select the hosting type.

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In the networking tab, select the right VPC and click next.
In the machine identities tab, select the Identity type(whether the machines need to be AD joined/AAd joined) and provide the OU details and machine naming standard and click Next

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Provide the domain credentials, if opted for AD joined machines. Select the Scope if any and click Next.
Review the settings, provide a catalog name and click finish.
During the machine catalog creation process, AWS will create a preparatory VM, apply tags and then create the actual XenApp machine. The Cloud trial logs clearly shows if there is a failure in the creation process.

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You can see that the preparatory VM is terminated.

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Finally the XenApp machine is created in the Citrix console.

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